Ground Moles
Whole Mole Control Throughout the Mid-Ohio Valley

Let Lamp Pestproof Remove Those Tiny Nuisances

Most of us have heard the old saying, “You are making a mountain out of a molehill.” It simply means that someone makes a situation seem direr than it really is. And while those figurative “molehills” may not be as serious as they seem, literal molehills can be huge, because they are evidence of a mole infestation. A ground mole can be very harmful to your yard or your garden. You can fully rely on Lamp Pestproof & Wildlife Control in Vienna, WV, for all of your mole control needs throughout the Mid-Ohio Valley. Our highly skilled team understands the most effective ways to clear your yard and garden of these tiny nuisances.
Contact us today at (866) 524-1799. We offer quality services at affordable prices, and we offer several service plans for your convenience.
Moles: Little Animals, Big Impact on Your Yard

Ground moles are not rodents. They are typically between five and eight inches in length, and they usually have brown or gray fur. Their little eyes are merely light-sensitive, just allowing the mole to distinguish between darkness and light. Their fleshy, pink nose is sensitive to touch, and their broad feet and claws are perfect for digging. Moles construct complex networks of tunnels, both shallow and deep. You can locate their shallow tunnels due to the dirt pushed up from their tunneling activity, known as molehills. They will use their deep tunnels to escape the cold or the heat, depending on the season, as well as to raise their babies.
Ground moles eat earthworms, larvae, and grubs beneath the soil. They may also eat roots and bulbs that they encounter while tunneling. They usually consume more than their body weight every day to compensate, as they stay very active.
Lamp Pestproof Will Effectively Solve Your Mole Issues

Moles can be major pests in your yard or garden or around your farm. Their tunnels can tear up your lawn and undermine its stability. They can damage your vegetables and flowers, too, by eating the roots and bulbs or spoiling them with their digging habits.
When it comes to ground mole control and removal, make your first and only call to Lamp Pestproof & Wildlife Control. Our friendly, expert team is highly trained in the best, most productive methods in mole control and removal from around your house or office. We use environmentally conscious techniques and products. You can also be certain that each of our team members will treat your home just like their home, operating with great care and respect. We are the apex of wildlife control and removal throughout the Mid-Ohio Valley.
Insects and Wildlife Do Not Stand a Chance

In addition to professionally handling your mole control and removal, Lamp Pestproof & Wildlife Control also deals with the control and removal of mice, rats, snakes, bats, and other wildlife and vermin. We also offer outstanding insect and pest control services, ridding your Mid-Ohio Valley home, office, or place of business of bees, wasps, ants, spiders, stink bugs, ticks, and much more.
Listen to our past customers; they will tell you that we dedicate ourselves to professional, effective pest control and wildlife removal, combined with expertise and friendly customer service. No pest stands a chance against Lamp Pestproof & Wildlife Control.