Rid Your Vienna-Area Home or Business of Cockroaches
Reliable Pest Control for the Mid-Ohio Valley

Lamp Pestproof & Wildlife Control Treats Roach Infestations

Lamp Pestproof & Wildlife Control in Vienna, WV, has treated homes and businesses for cockroaches since 1934. Cockroaches show a preference for warm and humid places. They are usually found in kitchens and bathrooms, but infestations often occur in rooms where people eat and drink. If you find roaches in your Mid-Ohio Valley home or business, call Lamp Pestproof & Wildlife Control today at (866) 524-1799, or get a quote online.
Signs That You Have a Roach Infestation

German cockroaches prefer to live in cracks and crevices near food sources. Roaches prefer to live close to sources of food and water and are usually found in kitchens and bathrooms. No matter how clean your home is, you can fall victim to a roach infestation. If you begin to see droppings, shells, roach skins, or just find roaches in your cabinets or on the floor, contact Lamp Pestproof & Wildlife Control right away. Roaches are known to spread disease, and it is best to combat the issue as soon as possible.
How to Prevent Roaches from Taking Over Your Home

As soon as you find a cockroach, it is crucial to take precautionary measures to remove the current infestation and stop future ones from occurring. Cockroaches have the ability to spread bacteria, parasitic worms, and other kinds of human pathogens. They can pick up germs on their legs and bodies as they crawl through decaying matter or sewage, carrying these into food or onto food surfaces. Germs that cockroaches eat from decaying matter or sewage can remain infective for several weeks longer than if they had been exposed to cleaning agents, rinse water, or just sunlight and air. Medical studies show that cockroach droppings, bodies, and shells can cause allergic reactions and sometimes asthma, especially in children. Keeping your living space clean and dry helps to decrease the chance of cockroaches. Be sure to seal cracks in walls and other areas of your home or business to block the roaches’ entry way.